Friday, December 01, 2006

Funniest Economics video ever!

I was reading through Steven Levitt's blog today when I came across this link to a student video project at Columbia University's Business School. It's a hilarious take on a student's dissatisfaction with the appointment of Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve. For the non-economists, the Federal Reserve is the US' version of our Bank Negara or Singapore's MAS.

The same video can be viewed here.

The video is doubly funny for me because the textbook that the lead singer discredits is the same textbook that I used for my Macroeconomics I module last semester.

Macroeconomics by Bernanke
Here reproduced for your convenience.

To be fair, I didn't think the textbook was as bad as the singer in the video made it out to be. Its actually pretty good, considering that an average student like myself can understand it without too much mind-numbing effort and concentration.Is there a lesson to be learned from all this? yes. Econs textbooks are so uncool that even fake music videos make fun of them. What is an econs major to do?

The solution?
textbook thrash
An elegant, comprehensive and final one.